Community Justice Group

PICC continues to auspice the Community Justice Group (CJG), which works towards reducing the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders and victims within the criminal justice system

The CJG supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and offenders at all stages of the legal process, including the provision of sentencing submissions to court, attendance at court and visiting prisons and detention centres. The CJG also provides mediation and referrals to other relevant organisations on Palm Island.

The Coordinator of the CJG plays a major role in networking with these organisations to ensure that justice-related issues impacting on the Palm Island community are addressed collectively with a focus on the development of intervention programs.

In addition to the general program, the CJP program includes a Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) Enhancement Program. Under this program, PICC employs a male and female DFV Court Support Officer (CSO) to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and offenders of DFV, and their families and children.

Contact Information and Opening Hours


Palm Island Courthouse George Reid Building Cnr Main St and Police Lane Palm Island (General Program) / Primary Health Centre (FDV Enhancement)

Phone Number

4791 4001 (General)

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday (note that, outside of court days, the hours of the CJG General program are limited to part-time)

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